Environmental Unit Resources

Permit Tracking TemplateTracks permits required for the incident. Point of contact information, expiration dates, permit conditions, time frame, and cost are included.

ICS Form 232 Resources at Risk ChecklistGuides the EU in filling out the ICS 232 form. The EU leader assigns work within the Environmental Unit to complete the 232 Form.

EU DeliverablesTracks EU deliverables throughout the ICS planning process.

Decanting Response Tool (Oct 2017): This plan outlines the approval process that the Federal and State On-Scene Coordinators (OSC’s) and Environmental Unit (EU) for decanting. Criteria is included.

Sample Incident Disposal Plan: This plan tracks oily debris waste from cradle to grave. Unified Command signs the plan after completion.

Sample Inadvertent Discovery Plan: This plan is developed to assist responders in the event of any cultural materials, including human remains, are encountered during operations.

Endangered Species Act Consultation Form: Emergency consultation form completed on behalf of the Federal On-Scene Coordinator if response actions may affect ESA-listed species or essential fish habitat.