The following links lead to individual plan webpages. If you have any questions or comments, please email our team at

To find the plan nearest you, click here for the GRP Map.

To view response strategies and other locations in an interactive map, click here for the Spills Map.

Open for Update: Plans that are currently open for a full review. Our goal is for every plan to undergo a full review every five years. We will post a link for public comments when a public comment period opens up.

Last Full Update: This date reflects the year of plan publication after a comprehensive review.

GRP Open for Update Interim Update Last Full Update
Admiralty Inlet Yes May 2021 2017
Central Puget Sound October 2024 2021
Chehalis River 2024
Clark, Cowlitz, SW Lewis 2022
Grays Harbor April 2024 2023
Green River Duwamish Yes January 2024 2015
Hood Canal  April 2024 2017
Lake Chelan  2023
Lake Washington 2024
Lower Columbia River  2024
Lower Skagit 2017
Lower Yakima 2017
Middle Columbia River – Bonneville Pool Area 2024
Middle Columbia River – Dalles Pool 2017
Middle Columbia River – John Day Pool 2017
Middle Columbia River – McNary Pool Yes October 2023 2017
Moses Lake/Crab Creek January 2024 2015
Nisqually River Yes October 2024 2015
Nooksack River July 2023 2017
North Central Puget Sound October 2024 2020
North Puget Sound October 2024 2021
Outer Coast Yes July 2017 1996
Palouse 2017
Puyallup-White Rivers July 2023 2017
Samish River October 2023 2017
San Juan Islands July 2024 2022
Snake River – Ice Harbor Pool Area 2017
Snake River – Lower Monumental Pool Area 2024
Snake River – Little Goose Pool Area  Yes 1997
Snake River – Lower Granite Pool Area  Yes 1997
Snohomish Basin (Formerly WRIA 7 ) October 2024 2022
South Puget Sound Yes 1994
Spokane River July 2024 2020
Stillaguamish 2017
Strait of Juan de Fuca April 2022 2024
Sumas River  2017
Upper Columbia River October 2024 2017
Upper Green River Yes July 2023 2017
Upper Yakima 2017
Warden Washington 2017
Washington Deschutes 2017
Wenatchee October 2024 2017
Willapa Bay 2020